Newspaper, Magazine, & Professional Journal Articles
Eye Contact
Whose Lane Is It Anyway? / September 2024
I have a rule when riding in traffic: never cross in front of a car before making eye contact with the driver. I've only broken the rule once. I was late to mmet friends and had the right of way. The driver was looking left as he waited to turn right. I approached from his right on a bike path and figured he'd stay put long enough for me to pass...
Be Nice!
Whose Lane Is It Anyway? / September 2024
Years ago, I set out to ride a 40-mile loop in Northern Virginia, where heavy traffic can make riding treacherous. Ten miles in, I had a lapse in focus and began to cross a complicated intersection at the wrong time. When I realized my mistake, my bike was already in the road...
Forty-Two Bridges
Adventure Cyclist, August / September 2022
In 2019, I rode from Miami to Key West with my sister, brother, and 15-year-old niece. My brother and his daughter were new to cycling, but I lured them in with the prospect of a great adventure…
The Sun, July 2022
When I was a sophomore in college, a friend asked me to bike with her across the country, and I said yes. I’d always been a misfit and wanted to escape myself. I thought this trip might help me change and become more self-reliant. My friend…
Nurses Central to Combining Health Care with Housing
Charting Nursing’s Future
No one should have to give up their independence just because they are incontinent or need help managing their medications. That’s what Nancy Eldridge, MA, former executive director of Vermont’s Cathedral Square Corporation, thought…
Nurses Engaging Families in Dementia Care
Charting Nursing’s Future
When Leslie Chang Evertson, DNP, was asked in 2011 to help develop the UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Program (ADC) at UCLA Health, she jumped at the chance, knowing that her training as a nurse practitioner (NP) made her the right person for the job…
Red Tape Delays Nurse Practitioner-Ordered Home Care
Charting Nursing’s Future
Could an outdated Medicare regulation be creating care delays that put patients at risk? Ron Ordona, DNP, FNP-BC, provides primary and urgent care to older adult patients, most of whom are too sick to leave their homes for routine medical care…
Nurse-led Program Is Game-Changer for People with MS
Charting Nursing’s Future
Unless an event grabs your attention during Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month in March, you may give little thought to multiple sclerosis (MS). But Kathleen Healey, PhD, APRN, thinks about this unpredictable disease all year long…
Why I Read Aloud to my Teens
The Washington Post, June 2015
A few weeks ago, my son and I finished reading Stephen King’s “11/22/63: A Novel.” The unusual part is the fact my son will be 18 years old in less than a month. I also read with his sister, who is 14…
Parenting From the Top of a Hill
Club Mid/Scary Mommy, Summer 2015
Last week, my oldest son packed up his soccer ball, his smelly socks and his brand new computer and left home for college. The 18 years it took us to get here have rocketed past. But as surprised as I am…
Beware the Passion Track
Inside Higher Ed, January 2014
Given the dismal academic job market described by numerous writers, you’d think humanities Ph.D. programs would have shuttered their doors, boarded up their windows and hung a sign…
Student Stress in Health Professions Education
ADEA CCI Liaison Ledger
When student course evaluations at the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University (DCG at Augusta) regularly showed that students felt personally attacked by professors’ comments, Jan Mitchell, D.D.S., M.Ed., wondered what was going on…
Educating Dental Students About Proper Use of Social Media,
ADEA CCI Liaison Ledger
When Dalhousie University Faculty of Dentistry (Dalhousie Dentistry) announced it had temporarily suspended 13 male dental students from clinical work for belonging to a misogynistic Facebook group, the scandal shook the dental education community…
By Asking Questions, Nurses See Beyond Emergencies
Charting Nursing’s Future
Two emergency department nurses who followed their intuition and observations were well ahead of the curve when they started a program that screens for food insecurity and other social needs. In 2016, Darris Bohman, BSN, RN, CEN, and…
Not in our Neighborhood: Emergency Nurses Respond to Human Trafficking
Charting Nursing’s Future
Can a blanket question about personal safety be effective in identifying cases of human trafficking or domestic violence? Renea Wilson, MSN, RN, CEN, director of the emergency department (ED) at Stormont…
The Boys Next Door
UU World, May 2013
When my son was born fifteen years ago, I gazed at his angelic little face and anticipated the things I’d teach him: Say please and thank you! Always wash behind your ears. Be sure to share! And oh, while we’re…
Not Slinking Away
Chronicle of Higher Education, July 2006
I’m sitting in “my” office waiting out the final moments of a 12-year career in academe. Since it’s summer, there’s not even a fellow adjunct to see me off (ironic since I have always been annoyed about sharing…
Nurse Brings Big Picture Mindset to School Board
Charting Nursing’s Future
When nurse Tracey Smith, DNP, MS, PHCNS-BC, began thinking about board service, it didn’t occur to her that the local school board could use her talents. But while serving on the board of the Carlinville Area Hospital in Illinois, she began collaborating…
Nurses, Here’s Your Chance to Be Heard!
Charting Nursing’s Future
Come March, approximately 100,000 registered nurses (RNs) across the United States will receive a surprise in their mailboxes: the return of the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (NSSRN). If you aren’t familiar with this federal survey…
Nursing’s Expertise Gap
Charting Nursing’s Future
Long-held fears about a coming nursing shortage have shifted from a focus on numbers to a concern about experience. Now experts and others familiar with the situation are suggesting steps to address the impending “expertise gap”—a result of the retirement of nursing’s baby boomers and their…
Riverside’s Volunteer RNs, a Source of Knowledge and Experience
Charting Nursing’s Future
If you’re a retired nurse in Columbus, Ohio, looking for a way to give back to your profession, Riverside Methodist Hospital has just the program for you. For the last decade, Riverside has run Volunteer RN…
The Case for Removing Barriers to APRN Practice
Charting Nursing’s Future
In 2010 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, which called for the removal of laws, regulations, and policies that prevent advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) from providing the full scope…
GNE Demonstration Project At-A-Glance
Charting Nursing’s Future
Here’s a quick look at the Graduate Nurse Education Demonstration Project. Medicare has been funding the clinical training of physicians through hospital residency programs for decades. Could a similar model work for advanced practice…
Graduate Nurse Education: A Pathway to Increased Primary Care Access
Charting Nursing’s Future
What if—in just a matter of years—nurses found a way to solve a problem that has been brewing for decades? Findings from the Graduate Nurse Education (GNE) Demonstration Project suggest…
Student-Driven Assessment in Dental Education
ADEA CCI Liaison Ledger
Holistic Review in Dental School Admissions
ADEA CCI Liaison Ledger
Dental Curriculum for Recognizing and Addressing Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect
ADEA CCI Liaison Ledger
Innovations in Oral Health
Northeastern University online toolkit, Lead Writer
Charles Ramsey and the Politics of Black Vernacular
The Broad Side, May, 2013
Mary Wollstonecraft: A Radical Feminist, Then and Now
The Broad Side, March, 2013
Watching Trashy TV With the Kids: Look Back, Talk Back, Turn Off
The Broad Side, December, 2012